I have fond childhood memories of my dad's friend's collard greens dish. Salty and heavily leaden with the fat of some ham hocks or bacon, they were delicious alongside fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and the occasional hushpuppy. But those fond memories have stayed memories and I don't think I've tasted collards in years.
...Until they appeared my RiverDog Farm veggie box. I found a simple recipe and served them to the fam that night. There was nothing left in the bowl after we were through, which says a lot considering this was a new kind of green veggie gracing our table.
Here's how I prepared the collards. This is adapted from a few different recipes, primarily from Deborah Madison's Braised Collards in Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.
Take one large bunch of fresh organic collard greens and strip the leafy green parts from the stems. If you like, you can then chop the greens into bite-sized strips or shred them with your hands. Rinse thoroughly and plunge into a pot of boiling salted water. Let the greens cook for 5 minutes and then put them in a bowl with about half a cup of the cooking water.
Toss two to three tablespoons of salted butter into a pot or large frying pan. Over medium heat, cook the butter until it turns brown. Make sure the butter doesn't brown too quickly- stir it frequently and make sure it doesn't burn or smoke.
Once the butter is browned, toss in the greens and the half cup of reserved cooking water. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes and then add salt to taste. Any salt will do, but kosher sea salt is extra tasty here.
Cook for up to 20 minutes more, tasting along the way for tenderness and flavor. Feel free to add red pepper flakes for an extra kick, but I like mine plain and buttery!
Hola Harriet - just caught your blog from a facebook link - it's wonderful!! I'm an every-so-often blogger too! Carlita
Yum yum!!!!!!!
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